Sunday, June 17, 2012

Parasites: The World's Most prosperous Organism

Addiction Recovery Resources - Parasites: The World's Most prosperous Organism
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Do you know about - Parasites: The World's Most prosperous Organism

Addiction Recovery Resources! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Parasites are organisms that gain nourishment and protection from other living organisms ordinarily with injury to that host. Parasites function as a cornerstone species, reducing the dominance of excellent opponents yet allowing competing species to co-exist. They can cause chronic disease in adolescent humans and animals and are omnipresent in food and water. Parasites cause a wide range of external (skin) and internal (digestive) diseases, migrating to stressed or weakened areas of the body.

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How is Parasites: The World's Most prosperous Organism

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Addiction Recovery Resources.

Parasites are removed from the red blood cells as they pass through the spleen by a process called 'pitting' so a strong spleen is vital as part of the immune defence. Worms live inside the faecal matter to avoid any detection by the immune system.

They may clump together obstructing the intestines, lymph drainage, bile ducts, and capillaries of the brain and other organs causing serious problems. By doing this they block the distribution of oxygen, nourishment and blood circulation. The dangers are not just from the internal perforations they cause to the gut; we have to think the effects of the toxic excrement parasites 'dump' inside us.

Parasites in our homes

Parasites could be a secondary factor in practically every illness. They are carried into the house on our shoes, in our hair, under our fingernails, on our money (and other papers0 and on our skin and become a part of our carpeting. Parasites are the most flourishing life-forms on Earth.

If you have pets you are likely to be a carrier of parasites. If you have a cat in your house, there is a high opening of you being host to a toxoplasma gondii. Agreeing to a study at Charles University in Prague the toxoplasma gondii will finally lodge in your brain and over time cause behavioural changes: men can become more aggressive and scruffy; women on the other hand appear to exhibit the 'sex kitten' succeed and become less trustworthy.

Children and pets

If you or your children sleep with a pet on their bed I would propose that there is verily parasitic operation going on together with a possibility of the child passing the parasites on to the rest of the family.

The point is that you have been doing this all your lives and you're still here, except that you're probably carrying something minuscule inside you that's reproducing.

It's not all bad news. Undergo a good toady cleanse every year and keep your immune ideas strong. Sadly doctors get no training in recognition of tropical diseases, unless during their degree they take an optional policy in microbiology. If you are a health practitioner or you just have friends that have long term or inexplicable illnesses you must think parasites as a potential cause.

If you suffer from Me/Chronic Fatigue you are more than likely to suffer from one or more forms of parasitic infection.

For more information see below.

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