Sunday, June 10, 2012

How to Cure a Hernia Without Surgery?

Addiction Recovery Resources - How to Cure a Hernia Without Surgery?
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Do you know about - How to Cure a Hernia Without Surgery?

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Once you have read the statistics that up to 30 per cent of men suffer lifetime pain after groin hernia surgery, it kind of makes you a bit concerned. As my friend Brian put it, 'I decided against the op because two of my friends had it and have been in pain ever since'.

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How is How to Cure a Hernia Without Surgery?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Addiction Recovery Resources.

Luckily Brian had a small hernia and was under no pressure from his doctors to get the surgical operation right away, though they did assure him it would get worse and need an performance eventually.

Brian decided he would try to prove them wrong. He embarked on a non-surgical hernia medicine program which he had found on the Internet, changed his diet, started an exercise program and began wearing an industrial-strength hernia support garment. How long did his hernia take to heal without surgery? Five years? Two years? In fact it was gone in less than six months.

So why do doctors insist that this isn't possible when it clearly is? There are growing numbers of case reports on the Net, from population whose hernia healed without surgery. It's not even a new concept. Back in the 19th century hernia cures were carefully lowly before the days of surgery.

The Herniabible Program
The program that Brian found on the Net is called the Herniabible system. It's quite uncomplicated and is based on eating the right foods, doing the right exercises and keeping the hernia firmly in at all times. However you can't just wear any old truss to keep it in. Some versions, though cheap and cheerful, have rounded pads that press into the gap in your abdomen and keep it open. You don't want that because the edges of the gap need to come together in order to heal. Some trusses/belts also slip nearby and don't always keep the hernia in very well. You have to use a hernia support that has flat pads and is also guaranteed to keep the hernia in at all times (even when cycling or playing football).

Foods to Eat for a Hernia
The Herniabible diet is all about controlling your hernia pain and swelling by eating more fresh fruit and vegetables and fibre-rich foods, and not overloading your digestive system. It's also foremost to get enough vitamin C, zinc and other vitamins and minerals that are needed to make collagen - the protein from which skin and muscles are made. (Weak collagen is one of the reasons why hernias can occur in the first place.)

Hernia Exercises
To help heal a hernia without surgical operation it is certainly useful to do the right exercises. These exercises must target the right muscles, i.e. The core muscles such as the transverse abdominal muscles which lie underneath the six-pack. The Pilates theory is ideal for this. Most abdominal exercises are designed to develop the six-pack, and will not be of any use to help heal a hernia.

Is that all there is to it? Yes, more or less. You can find other guidance on the Net about using herbs like hawthorn, which also helps to control pain and swelling, or Bu Zhong Yi Qi Wan, which helps to strengthen collagen, but these won't work on their own. You have to do the other stuff too. There are also some scams out there to beware of. I found a merge of scam sites that looked extremely pro and medical, and promised that their herbs were proven to completely cure any hernia. Don't fall for it!

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