Thursday, May 31, 2012

In Deep Water: The Anatomy of a Disaster, the Fate of the Gulf, and How to End Our Oil Addiction

Recovery Resources - In Deep Water: The Anatomy of a Disaster, the Fate of the Gulf, and How to End Our Oil Addiction.
The content is good quality and useful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I even have discovered. Before the distinctive. It is now near to enter destination In Deep Water: The Anatomy of a Disaster, the Fate of the Gulf, and How to End Our Oil Addiction.

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Recovery Resources ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the real about Recovery Resources . You look at this article for information on that need to know is Recovery Resources .

How is In Deep Water: The Anatomy of a Disaster, the Fate of the Gulf, and How to End Our Oil Addiction

In Deep Water: The Anatomy of a Disaster, the Fate of the Gulf, and How to End Our Oil Addiction Tube. Duration : 3.10 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Recovery Resources . OR Books has joined with the Natural Resources Defense Council to release IN DEEP WATER: The Anatomy of a Disaster, The Fate of the Gulf, and How to End Our Oil Addiction, the first book to appear on this environmental catastrophe, the largest offshore spill in American history. Written by Peter Lehner, executive director of the NRDC, together with Bob Deans, this book provides a brief account of the disaster as well as the policy failures that caused it -- and lays out a blueprint to avoid similar catastrophes in the future. All royalties from sales of this book go to NRDC's Gulf Coast recovery efforts.
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Recovery Resources - WINDOWS XP Tricks.
The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination WINDOWS XP Tricks.

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Recovery Resources ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the true about Recovery Resources . You see this article for facts about an individual want to know is Recovery Resources .

How is WINDOWS XP Tricks

WINDOWS XP Tricks Video Clips. Duration : 7.47 Mins.

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10 Tips to Stay Mentally salutary

Recovery Resources - 10 Tips to Stay Mentally salutary
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Recovery Resources! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

If it's not broke don't fix it...right? No! One of the best methods of thinking health recovery is to verbalize an environment prone to thinking health and thinking illness recovery. Staying mentally healthy is a way of life, not something you do when things start to go wrong. Keep reading for your top 10 tips to staying mentally healthy! Remember sometimes, the best treatment is prevention.

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How is 10 Tips to Stay Mentally salutary

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For entrance to some great cutting-edge research aside from the tips below, check out the thinking health center of Denver's research and estimate Team's publications.

1) Stay Physically Active: the human mind advanced in an environment requiring one travels the equivalent of 12 miles per day for sheer survival (and no that doesn't mean jumping in the car and flooring it!). Modern research has proven that increased corporeal activity can verily generate new brain cells (once understanding of as a static number), this explains why nearly every thinking healthcare consumer at facilities such as Mhcd are strongly encouraged to begin an rehearsal regiment immediately.

2) Stay Socially Active: we are social creatures, thus one's hold network, be it house or friends, is of massive importance to one's general well being. It is of course ok to take a few nights to yourself, but don't stay shut in. Go out, keep your social relations strong.

3) Get a Hobby: find something creative outlet that you want to do just for yourself. Depending on what you chose, a hobby can be a great avenue into sports clubs, night classes at a local college, or staying physically active; plus if its something you enjoy it will be much easier to stick with!

4) Be Self-Reflective: you know those few nights a week I said it was ok to just take a night to yourself? Do it! Read a good book, walk your dog, just think things over. explore where you are in life, where you want to be, and where you've come from. Be honest and complimentary to yourself. You are a brave, amazing person, so act like it :)

5) Play: play is verily tremendously important for staying mentally healthy. Devoting time to just having fun can recharge your battery, revitalize your social networks, and sacrifice stress/anxiety.

6) verbalize a healthy diet: this goes along with staying active. Stay healthy, both in terms of rehearsal and in terms of eating. Now don't go crazy here, you don't want to make yourself miserable by being the food-police, just be known of what is going into your body. And allow yourself some leg-room to cheat once a week or so!

7) Set goals: when citizen are feeling depressed, aimless, or like they are just going through the motions, often times its because they are lacking general direction. Set realistic goals for yourself so you are continuously aiming at something, this is a practice known as safe bet dissonance (you are enduringly reaching for a new goal you set, thus you are all the time striving added and added even if you perform a goal along the way). Importantly though, one must not take this too far and find no joy in overcoming a given sub-goal; this will prove to demoralize the individual. You should celebrate your successes! Each and every one of them, and then push yourself to be even better. Once you reach your goal, set someone else one to get even further! This will enduringly drive you, give you reasons to celebrate as you attain goals, and will growth your general level of content and thinking health.

8) balance free time: this is very important! Don't let yourself just lay in front of the Tv. That is verily conducive to depressive environments. Relax, watch some Tv, read a book, go for a walk, spend time on your hobby. Do it all, not just one of them.

9) explore your locus of control: in the midst of your self reflections, it is important to explore just where your locus of operate is. Are you blaming everybody else for things? Or are you taking on all the fault? Nothing is one sided, remember that. Especially if your depression is focused colse to association woes. Think of what you verily did, what others verily did, accept that its in the past and that the best thing to do now is learn from it and live on to never make that mistake again!

10) Don't be afraid to seek help: It is a great shame that seeking out thinking health professionals in America has come to be a taboo or secretive endeavor! If you are worried about your thinking health, you should be proud of yourself for putting forth an effort to improve yourself. If you are in the general area, I would advise a recovery-based treatment center such as the thinking health center of Denver, or Mhcd. The only shame in seeing help is not getting help when you can benefit from it!

I hope you get new knowledge about Recovery Resources. Where you'll be able to offer utilization in your day-to-day life. And just remember, your reaction is Recovery Resources.Read more.. 10 Tips to Stay Mentally salutary. View Related articles related to Recovery Resources. I Roll below. I have counseled my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share 10 Tips to Stay Mentally salutary.

Secrets to efficient Staff Meetings

Recovery Resources Inc - Secrets to efficient Staff Meetings
The content is good quality and useful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Secrets to efficient Staff Meetings. And the content related to Recovery Resources Inc.

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Recovery Resources Inc! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The following typical staff meeting statistics were compiled from a contemplate conducted by GroupSystems :

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How is Secrets to efficient Staff Meetings

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Recovery Resources Inc.

The typical staff meeting is 50 minutes

- 16 minutes wasted on inefficiencies

- 59% do not take meeting minutes

-68% said input from meeting is used rarely or not at all
What can you do about it?

Schedule in advance. If it is not an emergency, program one to two weeks in advance. Comprise start time, stop time and Topics.
Prepare an Agenda, and stick to it.

Have a Theme . Focus on One to Three Topics, no more than that.
On the Agenda, Comprise ten minutes for Open consulation and feedback at the end of the meeting.

Start on Time, even if every person is not present. Demonstrate respect for the people who show up on time and begin promptly. Individuals that come late can 'catch-up' when the meeting is concluded. Do not inconvenience the conscientious individuals who show up on time.

Establish the meeting moderator. One someone is assigned to keep the meeting on track and on time.

If possible, program the staff meeting for a total of twenty minutes or less. This is based on ten minutes of program consulation and ten minutes of staff feedback. Think it a success if you quit in less than 20 minutes, but allow flex time for meaningful conversation and feedback at the end of the meeting.

Take Meeting Notes, Comprise action Items and the Owners / Responsible someone for each action Item with a Due Date. Follow-up on action Items and send out an modernize before the next staff meeting.

Is it working?

Staff Meetings should not be a burden to the moderator or the participants. It is intended to be an opportunity for leading communication. The following are three creative exercises for measuring the effectiveness of your staff meetings.

Have a Standing Staff Meeting: Nobody is allowed to sit down until it is over. Can you do it? Does the meeting move along faster than normal or at the same speed?

Everyone is a Scribe: At the starting of the meeting, furnish instructions that each someone will be responsible for documenting every comment, word for word, and distribute to the other participants. How does this impact the comments? Is all shared verbally worth the time to type it? Are the comments worth sharing in documented form? Are there any comments shared in a staff meeting that would be embarrassing or inappropriate in print?

The One Week Survey: Send a quick contemplate one week after the staff meeting with three questions.

Q1) What was the main topic of the Staff meeting?

Q2) How does this recapitulate to your responsibilities?

Q3) What is the most leading topic that we did not discuss?


Words of Wisdom

"You want to build a strong culture? Hold every boss accountable for the culture that he or she builds."

- Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman, First Break All the Rules

"The real question is that people do what they are told."

- David Maister, First Among Equals

"Being highly efficient as individuals and organizations is no longer optional . . . It is the price of entry."

- Stephen R. Covey, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness

I hope you have new knowledge about Recovery Resources Inc. Where you may put to easy use in your daily life. And just remember, your reaction is Recovery Resources Inc.Read more.. Secrets to efficient Staff Meetings. View Related articles related to Recovery Resources Inc. I Roll below. I have suggested my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Secrets to efficient Staff Meetings.

4G mobile Broadband - Lte Network Architecture and Protocol Stack

Recovery Resources Inc - 4G mobile Broadband - Lte Network Architecture and Protocol Stack
The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you just never knew before that I know is that I actually have discovered. Prior to the unique. It's now near to enter destination 4G mobile Broadband - Lte Network Architecture and Protocol Stack. And the content associated with Recovery Resources Inc.

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How is 4G mobile Broadband - Lte Network Architecture and Protocol Stack

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Recovery Resources Inc.

The goal of the Lte acceptable is to originate specifications for a new radio-access technology geared to higher data rates, low latency and greater spectral efficiency. The spectral efficiency target for the Lte theory is three to four times higher than the current Hspa system. These aggressive spectral efficiency targets want using the technology envelope by employing advanced air-interface techniques such as low-Papr orthogonal uplink manifold passage based on Sc-Fdma(single-carrier frequency group manifold access) Mimo multiple-input multiple-output multi-antenna technologies, inter-cell interference mitigation techniques, low latency channel buildings and single-frequency network (Sfn) broadcast. The researchers and engineers working on the acceptable come up with new innovative technology proposals and ideas for theory execution improvement. Due to the highly aggressive acceptable improvement schedule, these researchers and engineers are generally unable to issue their proposals in conferences or journals, etc. In the standards improvement phase, the proposals go straight through overall scrutiny with manifold sources evaluating and simulating the proposed technologies from theory execution revision and implementation complexity perspectives. Therefore, only the highest-quality proposals and ideas ultimately make into the standard.

Keywords: Lte Architecture, Udp, Gdp, Mimo, Mime, Mcch, Mbms, Qos

1. Introducyion

The Lte network architecture is designed with the goal of supporting packet-switched traffic with seamless mobility, quality of assistance (QoS) and minimal latency. A packet-switched approach allows for the supporting of all services including voice straight through packet connections. The supervene in a highly simplified flatter architecture with only two types of node namely evolved Node-B (eNb) and mobility administration entity/gateway (Mme/Gw). This is in disagreement to many more network nodes in the current hierarchical network architecture of the 3G system. One major turn is that the radio network controller (Rnc) is eliminated from the data path and its functions are now incorporated in eNb. Some of the benefits of a particular node in the passage network are reduced latency and the distribution of the Rnc processing load into manifold eNbs. The elimination of the Rnc in the passage network was possible partly because the Lte theory does not withhold macro-diversity or soft-handoff.

2. Lte Network Architecture

All the network interfaces are based on Ip protocols. The eNbs are interconnected by means of an X2 interface and to the Mme/Gw entity by means of an S1 interface as shown in Figure1. The S1 interface supports a many-to-many relationship in the middle of Mme/Gw and eNbs.

The functional split in the middle of eNb and Mme/Gw is shown in outline 2 Two logical gateway entities namely the serving gateway (S-Gw) and the packet data network gateway (P-Gw) is defined. The S-Gw acts as a local mobility anchor forwarding and receiving packets to and from the eNb serving the Ue. The P-Gw interfaces with external packet data networks (Pdns) such as the Internet and the Ims. The P-Gw also performs any Ip functions such as address allocation, procedure enforcement, packet filtering and routing.

The Mme is a signaling only entity and hence user Ip packets do not go straight through Mme. An advantage of a cut off network entity for signaling is that the network capacity for signaling and traffic can grow independently. The main functions of Mme are idle-mode Ue reach quality including the operate and execution of paging retransmission, tracking area list management, roaming, authentication, authorization, P-Gw/S-Gw selection, bearer administration including dedicated bearer establishment, protection negotiations and Nas signaling, etc.

Evolved Node-B implements Node-B functions as well as protocols traditionally implemented in Rnc. The main functions of eNb are header compression, ciphering and dependable delivery of packets. On the operate side, eNb incorporates functions such as admission operate and radio reserved supply management. Some of the benefits of a particular node in the passage network are reduced latency and the distribution of Rnc the network side are now closed in eNb.

Figure 1: Network Architecture

Figure 2: Functional split in the middle of eNb and Mme/Gw.

2.1 Protocol Stack And Conytol Plane

The user plane protocol stack is given in outline 3.We note that packet data convergence protocol (Pdcp) and radio link operate (Rlc) layers traditionally closed in Rnc on outline 4 shows the operate plane protocol stack.

Figure 3: User plane protocol.

Figure 4: operate plane protocol stack.

We note that Rrc functionality traditionally implemented in Rnc is now incorporated into eNb. The Rlc and Mac layers achieve the same functions as they do for the user plane. The functions performed by the Rrc include theory information broadcast, paging, radio bearer control, Rrc relationship management, mobility functions and Ue estimation reporting and control. The non-access stratum (Nas) protocol closed in the Mme on the network side and at the Ue on the final side performs functions such as Eps (evolved packet system) bearer management, authentication and protection control, etc.

The S1 and X2 interface protocol stacks are shown in Figures 2.5 and 2.6 respectively.We note that similar protocols are used on these two interfaces. The S1 user plane interface (S1-U) is defined in the middle of the eNb and the S-Gw. The S1-U interface uses Gtp-U (Gprs tunneling protocol - user data tunneling) on Udp/Ip converyance and provides non-guaranteed delivery of user plane Pdus in the middle of the eNb and the S-Gw. The Gtp-U is a relatively easy Ip based tunneling protocol that permits many tunnels in the middle of each set of end points. The S1 operate plane interface (S1-Mme) is defined as being in the middle of the eNb and the Mme. Similar to the user plane, the converyance network layer is built on Ip converyance and for the reliable

Figure 5: S1 interface user and operate planes.

Figure 6: X2 interface user and operate planes.

Transport of signaling messages Sctp (stream operate transmission protocol) is used on top of Ip The Sctp protocol operates analogously to Tcp ensuring reliable, in-sequence converyance of messages with congestion control. The application layer signaling protocols are referred to as S1 application protocol (S1-Ap) and X2 application protocol (X2-Ap) for S1 and X2 interface operate planes respectively.

3. Qos And Bearer assistance Architecture

Applications such as VoIp, web browsing, video telephony and video streaming have special QoS needs. Therefore, an important highlight of any all-packet network is the provision of a QoS mechanism to enable differentiation of packet flows based on QoS requirements. In Eps, QoS flows called Eps bearers are established in the middle of the Ue and the P-Gw as shown in outline 7. A radio bearer transports the packets of an Eps bearer in the middle of a Ue and an eNb. Each Ip flow (e.g. VoIp) is linked with a separate Eps bearer and the network can prioritize traffic accordingly.

Figure 7: Eps bearer assistance architecture.

When receiving an Ip packet from the Internet, P-Gw performs packet classification based on unavoidable predefined parameters and sends it an acceptable Eps bearer. Based on the Eps bearer, eNb maps packets to the acceptable radio QoS bearer. There is one-to-one mapping in the middle of an Eps bearer and a radio bearer.

4. Layer 2 Structure

The layer 2 of Lte consists of three sub layers namely medium passage control, radio link operate (Rlc) and packet data convergence protocol (Pdcp). The assistance passage point (Sap) in the middle of the physical (Phy) layer and the Mac sub layer provide the converyance channels while the Sap in the middle of the Mac and Rlc sub layers provide the logical channels. The Mac sub layer performs multiplexing of logical channels on to the converyance channels.

The downlink and uplink layer 2 structures are given in Figures 8 and 9 respectively. The disagreement in the middle of downlink and uplink structures is that in the downlink, the Mac sub layer also handles the priority among Ues in expanding to priority handling among the logical channels of a particular Ue. The other functions performed by the Mac sub layers in both downlink and uplink include mapping in the middle of the logical and the converyance channels.
Multiplexing of Rlc packet data units (Pdu), padding, converyance format choice and hybrid Arq (Harq).

The main services and functions of the Rlc sub layers include segmentation, Arq in-sequence delivery and double detection, etc. The in-sequence delivery of upper layer Pdus is not guaranteed at handover. The reliability of Rlc can be configured to whether acknowledge mode (Am) or un-acknowledge mode (Um) transfers. The Um mode can be used for radio bearers that can tolerate some loss. In Am mode, Arq functionality of Rlc Retransmits converyance blocks that fail salvage by Harq. The salvage at Harq may fail due to hybrid Arq Nack to Ack error or because the maximum estimate of retransmission attempts is reached. In this case, the relevant transmitting Arq entities are notified and possible retransmissions and re-segmentation can be initiated.

Figure 8: Downlink layer 2 structure.

Figure 9: Uplink layer 2 structure.

The Pdcp layer performs functions such as header compression and decompression, ciphering and in-sequence delivery and double detection at handover for Rlcam, etc. The header compression and decompression is performed using the robust header compression (Rohc) protocol. 5.1 Downlink logical, converyance and physical channels

4.1 Downlink Logical, converyance And physical Channels

The relationship in the middle of downlink logical, converyance and physical channels is shown in outline 10. A logical channel is defined by the type of information it carriers. The logical channels are additional divided into operate channels and traffic channels. The operate channels carry control-plane information, while traffic channels carry user-plane information.

In the downlink, five operate channels and two traffic channels are defined. The downlink operate channel used for paging information change is referred to as the paging operate channel (Pcch). This channel is used when the network has no knowledge about the location cell of the Ue. The channel that carries theory operate information is referred to as the broadcast operate channel (Bcch). Two channels namely the coarse operate channel (Ccch) and the dedicated operate channel (Dcch) can carry information in the middle of the network and the Ue. The Ccch is used for Ues that have no Rrc relationship while Dcch is used for Ues that have an Rrc connection. The operate channel used for the transmission of Mbms operate information is referred to as the multicast operate channel (Mcch). The Mcch is used by only those Ues receiving Mbms.

The two traffic channels in the downlink are the dedicated traffic channel (Dtch) and the multicast traffic channel (Mtch). A Dtch is a point-to-point channel dedicated to a particular Ue for the transmission of user information. An Mtch is a point-to-multipoint channel used for the transmission of user traffic to Ues receiving Mbms. The paging operate channel is mapped to a converyance channel referred to as paging channel (Pch). The Pch supports discontinuous reception (Drx) to enable Ue power saving. A Drx cycle is indicated to the Ue by the network. The Bcch is mapped to whether a converyance channel referred to as a broadcast channel (Bch) or to the downlink shared channel (Dlsch).

Figure 10: Downlink logical, converyance and physical channels mapping.

The Bch is characterized by a fixed pre-defined format as this is the first channel Ue receives after acquiring synchronization to the cell. The Mcch and Mtch are whether mapped to a converyance channel called a multicast channel (Mch) or to the downlink shared channel (Dl-Sch). The Mch supports Mbsfn combining of Mbms transmission from manifold cells. The other logical channels mapped to Dl-Sch include Ccch, Dcch and Dtch. The Dl-Sch is characterized by withhold for adaptive modulation/coding, Harq, power control, semi-static/dynamic reserved supply allocation, Drx, Mbm Transmission and multi antenna technologies. All the four-downlink converyance channels have the requirement to be broadcast in the whole coverage area of a cell.

The Bch is mapped to a physical channel referred to as physical broadcast channel (Pbch), which is transmitted over four sub frames with 40 ms timing interval. The 40 ms timing is detected blindly without requiring any explicit signaling. Also, each sub frame transmission of Bch is self-decodable and Ues with good channel conditions may not need to wait for reception of all the four sub frames for Pbch decoding. The Pch and Dl-Sch are mapped to a physical channel referred to as physical downlink shared channel (Pdsch). The multicast channel (Mch) is mapped to physical multicast channel (Pmch), which is the multi-cell Mbsfn transmission channel.

The three stand-alone physical operate channels are the physical operate format indicator channel (Pcfich), the physical downlink operate channel (Pdcch) and the physical hybrid Arq indicator channel (Phich). The Pcfich is transmitted every sub frame and carries information on the estimate of Ofdm symbols used for Pdcch. The Pdcch is used to apprise the Ues about the reserved supply allocation of Pch and Dl-Sch as well as modulation, coding and hybrid Arq information linked to Dl-Sch. A maximum of three or four Ofdm symbols can be used for Pdcch. With dynamic indication of estimate of Ofdm symbols used for Pdcch via Pcfich, the unused Ofdm symbols among the three or four Pdcch Ofdm symbols can be used for data transmission. The Phich is used to carry hybrid Arq Ack/Nack for uplink transmissions.

4.2 Uplink Logical, converyance And physical Channels

The relationship in the middle of uplink logical, converyance and physical channels is shown in outline 2.11. In the uplink two operate channels and a particular traffic channel is defined. As for the downlink, coarse operate channel (Ccch) and dedicated operate channel (Dcch) are used to carry information in the middle of the network and the Ue. The Ccch is used for Ues having no Rrc relationship while Dcch is used for Ues having an Rrc connection. Similar to downlink, dedicated traffic channel (Dtch) is a point-to-point channel dedicated to a particular Ue for transmission of user information. All the three uplink logical channels are mapped to a converyance channel named uplink shared channel (Ul-Sch). The Ul-Sch supports adaptive modulation/coding, Harq, power operate and semi-static/dynamic reserved supply allocation.

Another converyance channel defined for the uplink is referred to as the random passage channel (Rach), which can be used for transmission of slight operate information from a Ue with possibility of collisions with transmissions from other Ues. The Rach is mapped to physical random passage channel (Prach), which carries the random passage preamble.

The Ul-Sch converyance channel is mapped to physical uplink shared channel (Pusch). A stand-alone uplink physical channel referred to as physical uplink operate channel (Pucch) is used to carry downlink channel quality indication (Cqi) reports, scheduling request (Sr) and hybrid Arq Ack/Nack for downlink transmissions.

5. Protocol States And States Transitions

In the Lte system, two radio reserved supply operate (Rrc) states namely Rrc Idle and Rrc linked states are defined as depicted in outline 2.12. A Ue moves from Rrc Idle state to Rrc linked state when an Rrc relationship is successfully established. A Ue can move back from Rrc linked to Rrc Idle state by releasing the Rrc connection. In the Rrc Idle state, Ue can receive broadcast/multicast data, monitors a paging channel to detect incoming calls, performs neighbor cell measurements and cell selection/reselection and acquires theory information. Furthermore, in the Rrc Idle state, a Ue exact Drx (discontinuous reception) cycle may be configured by upper layers to enable Ue power savings. Also, mobility is controlled by the Ue in the Rrc Idle

In the Rrc linked state, the change of uncast data to/from Ue, and the change of broadcast or multicast data to Ue can take place. At lower layers, the Ue may be configured with a Ue exact Drx/Dtx (discontinuous transmission). Furthermore, Ue monitors operate channels linked with the shared data channel to determine if data is scheduled for it, provides channel quality feedback information, performs neighbor cell measurements and estimation reporting and acquires theory information. Unlike the Rrc Idle state, the mobility is controlled by the network in this state.

Figure 11 Uplink logical, converyance and physical channels mapping.

Figure 12: Ue states and state transitions.

6. Seamless Mobility Support

An important highlight of a movable wireless theory such as Lte is withhold for seamless mobility over eNbs and over Mme/Gws. Fast and seamless handovers (Ho) is particularly important for delay-sensitive services such as VoIp. The handovers occur more oftentimes over eNbs than over core networks because the area covered by Mme/Gw serving a large estimate of eNbs is generally much larger than the area covered by a particular eNb. The
signaling on X2 interface in the middle of eNbs is used for handover preparation. The S-Gw acts as anchor for inter-eNb handovers.

In the Lte system, the network relies on the Ue to detect the neighboring cells for handovers and therefore no neighbor cell information is signaled from the network. For the crusade and estimation of inter-frequency neighboring cells, only the carrier frequencies need to be indicated. An example of active handover in an Rrc linked state is shown in outline 13 where a Ue moves from the coverage area of the source eNb (eNb1) to the coverage area of the target eNb (eNb2). The handovers in the Rrc linked state are network controlled and assisted by the Ue. The Ue sends a radio estimation description to the source eNb1 indicating that the signal quality on eNb2 is best than the signal quality on eNb1. As preparation for handover, the source eNb1 sends the coupling information and the Ue context to the target eNb2 (Ho request) [6] on the X2 interface. The target eNb2 may achieve admission operate dependent on the received Eps bearer QoS information. The target eNb configures the required resources agreeing to the received Eps bearer QoS information and reserves a C-Rnti (cell radio network temporary identifier) and optionally a Rach preamble.

Figure 13: Active handovers.

The C-Rnti provides a unique Ue identification at the cell level identifying the Rrc connection. When eNb2 signals to eNb1 that it is ready to achieve the handover via Ho response message, eNb1 commands the Ue (Ho command) to turn the radio bearer to eNb2. The Ue receives the Ho command with the necessary parameters (i.e. New C-Rnti, optionally dedicated Rach preamble, possible expiry time of the dedicated Rach preamble, etc.) and is commanded by the source eNb to achieve the Ho. The Ue does not need to delay the handover execution for delivering the Harq/Arq responses to source eNb.

After receiving the Ho command, the Ue performs synchronization to the target eNb and accesses the target cell via the random passage channel (Rach) following a contention-free procedure if a dedicated Rach preamble was allocated in the Ho command or following a contention-based procedure if no dedicated preamble was allocated. The network responds with uplink reserved supply allocation and timing improve to be applied by the Ue. When the Ue has successfully accessed the target cell, the Ue sends the Ho confirm message (C-Rnti) along with an uplink buffer status description indicating that the handover procedure is completed for the Ue. After receiving the Ho confirm message, the target eNb sends a path switch message to the Mme to apprise that the Ue has changed cell. The Mme sends a user plane update message to the S-Gw. The S-Gw switches the downlink data path to the target eNb and sends one or more "end marker" packets on the old path to the source eNb and then releases any user-plane/Tnl resources towards the source eNb. Then S-Gw sends a user plane update response message to the Mme. Then the Mme confirms the path switch message from the target eNb with the path switch response message. After the path switch response message is received from the Mme, the target eNb informs success of Ho to the source eNb by sending issue reserved supply message to the source eNb and triggers the issue of resources. On receiving the issue reserved supply message, the source eNb can issue radio and C-plane linked sources linked with the Ue context.

During handover preparation U-plane tunnels can be established in the middle of the source Enb and the target eNb. There is one tunnel established for uplink data forwarding and someone else one for downlink data forwarding for each Eps bearer for which data forwarding is applied. While handover execution, user data can be forwarded from the source eNb to the target eNb. Forwarding of downlink user data from the source to the target eNb should take place in order as long as packets are received at the source eNb or the source eNb buffer is exhausted.

For mobility administration in the Rrc Idle state, conception of tracking area (Ta) is introduced. A tracking area generally covers manifold eNbs as depicted in outline 2.14. The tracking area identity (Tai) information indicating which Ta an eNb belongs to is broadcast as part of theory information. A Ue can detect turn of tracking area when it receives a separate Tai than in its current cell. The Ue updates the Mme with its new Ta information as it moves over Tas. When P-Gw receives data for a Ue, it buffers the packets and queries the Mme for the Ue's location. Then the Mme will page the Ue in its most current Ta. A Ue can be registered in manifold Tas simultaneously. This enables power salvage at the Ue under conditions of high mobility because it does not need to constantly update its location with the Mme. This highlight also minimizes load on Ta boundaries.

8. Multicast Broadcast theory Architecture

In the Lte system, the Mbms whether use a single-cell transmission or a multi-cell transmission. In single-cell transmission, Mbms is transmitted only in the coverage of a exact cell and therefore combining Mbms transmission from manifold cells is not supported. The single-cell Mbms transmission is performed on Dl-Sch and hence uses the same network architecture as the unicast traffic.

Figure 14: Tracking area update for Ue in Rrc Idle state.

The Mtch and Mcch are mapped on Dl-Sch for point-to-multipoint transmission and scheduling is done by the eNb. The Ues can be allocated dedicated uplink feedback channels same to those used in unicast transmission, which enables Harq Ack/Nack and Cqi feedback. The Harq retransmissions are made using a group (service specific) Rnti (radio network temporary identifier) in a time frame that is co-ordinated with the traditional Mtch transmission. All Ues receiving Mbms are able to receive the retransmissions and couple with the traditional transmissions at the Harq level. The Ues that are allocated a dedicated uplink feedback channel are in Rrc linked state. In order to avoid unnecessary Mbms transmission on Mtch in a cell where there is no Mbms user, network can detect proximity of users interested in the Mbms assistance by polling or straight through Ue assistance request.

The multi-cell transmission for the evolved multimedia broadcast multicast assistance (Mbms) is realized by transmitting same waveform at the same time from manifold cells. In this case, Mtch and Mcch are mapped on to Mch for point-to-multipoint transmission. This multi-cell transmission mode is referred to as multicast broadcast particular frequency network (eMbsfn) as described in information in chapter 17. An Mbsfn transmission from manifold cells within an Mbsfn area is seen as a particular transmission by the Ue. An Mbsfn area comprises a group of cells within an Mbsfn synchronization area of a network that are co-ordinate to achieve Mbsfn transmission. An Mbsfn synchronization area is defined as an area of the network in which all eNbs can be synchronized and achieve Mbsfn transmission. An Mbms assistance area may consist of manifold Mbsfn areas. A cell within an Mbsfn synchronization area may form part of manifold Sfn areas each characterized by separate content and set of participating cells.

Figure 15. The eMbms assistance area and Mbsfn areas.

An example of Mbms assistance area consisting of two Mbsfn areas, area A and area B, is depicted in outline 2.15. The Mbsfna area consists of cells A1-A5, cell Ab1 and Ab2. The Mbsfn area consists of cells B1-B5, cell Ab1 and Ab2. The cells Ab1 and Ab2 are part of both Mbsfn area A and area B. The cell B5 is part of area B but does not contribute to Mbsfn transmission. Such a cell is referred to as Mbsfn area reserved cell. The Mbsfn area reserved cell may be allowed to transmit for other services on the resources allocated for the Mbsfn but at a restricted power. The Mbsfn synchronization area, the Mbsfn area and reserved cells can be semi-statically configured by O&M.

The Mbms architecture for multi-cell transmission is depicted in outline 2.16. The multicell multicast coordination entity (Mce) is a logical entity, which means it can also be part of someone else network element such as eNb. The Mce performs functions such as the allocation of the radio resources used by all eNbs in the Mbsfn area as well as determining the radio configuration including the modulation and coding scheme. The Mbms Gw is also a logical entity whose main function is sending/broadcasting Mbms packets with the Sync protocol to each eNb transmitting the service. The Mbms Gw hosts the Pdcp layer of the user plane and uses Ip multicast for forwarding Mbms user data to eNbs.

The eNbs are linked to eMbms Gw via a pure user plane interface M1. As M1 is a pure user plane interface, no operate plane application part is defined for this interface. Two operate plane interfaces M2 and M3 are defined. The application part on M2 interface conveys radio configuration data for the multi-cell transmission mode eNbs. The application part on M3 interface in the middle of Mbms Gw and Mce performs Mbms session operate signaling on Eps bearer level that includes procedures such as session start and stop.

An important requirement for multi-cell Mbms assistance transmission is Mbms content synchronization to enable Mbsfn operation. The eMbms user plane architecture for content synchronization is depicted in outline 2.17. A Sync protocol layer is defined on the converyance network layer (Tnl) to withhold the content synchronization mechanism. The Sync protocol carries additional information that enables eNbs to recognize the timing for radio frame transmission as well as detect packet loss.

Figure 16: eMbms logical architecture.

Figure 17: The eMbms user plane architecture for content synchronization.

The eNbs participating in multicell Mbms transmission are required to comply with content synchronization mechanism. An eNb transmitting only in single-cell assistance is not required to comply with the stringent timing requirements indicated by Sync protocol. In case Pdcp is used for header compression, it is placed in eMbms Gw. The Ues receiving Mtch transmissions and taking part in at least one Mbms feedback scheme need to be in an Rrc linked state. On the other hand, Ues receiving Mtch transmissions without taking part in an Mbms feedback mechanism can be in whether an Rrc Idle or an Rrc linked state. For receiving single-cell transmission of Mtch, a Ue may need to be in Rrc linked state. The signaling by which a Ue is triggered to move to Rrc linked state solely for single-cell reception purposes is carried on Mcch.

8. Summary
The Lte theory is based on highly simplified network architecture with only two types of nodes namely eNode-B and Mme/Gw. Fundamentally, it is a flattened architecture that enables simplified network develop while still supporting seamless mobility and advanced QoS mechanisms. This is a major turn relative to traditional wireless networks with many more network nodes using hierarchical network architecture. The simplification of network was
partly possible because Lte theory does not withhold macro-diversity or soft-handoff and hence does not want a Rnc in the passage network for macro-diversity combining. Many of the other Rnc functions are incorporated into the eNb. The QoS logical connections are provided in the middle of the Ue and the gateway enabling differentiation of Ip flows and meeting the requirements for low-latency applications.

A cut off architecture optimized for multi-cell multicast and broadcast is provided, which consists of two logical nodes namely the multicast co-ordination entity (Mce) and the Mbms gateway. The Mce allocates radio resources as well as determines the radio configuration to be used by all eNbs in the Mbsfn area. The Mbms gateway broadcasts Mbms packets with the Sync protocol to each eNb transmitting the service. The Mbms gateway uses Ip multicast for forwarding Mbms user data to eNbs. The layer 2 and radio reserved supply operate protocols are designed to enable dependable delivery of data, ciphering, header compression and Ue power savings.

9. References

[1] 3Gppts 36.300 V8.4.0, Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio passage Network (E-Utra): overall Description.

[2] 3Gpp Ts 29.060 V8.3.0, Gprs Tunneling Protocol (Gtp) over the Gn and Gp Interface.

[3] Ietf Rfc 4960, Stream operate Transmission Protocol.

[4] Ietf Rfc 3095, Robust Header Compression (Rohc): Framework and Four Profiles: Rtp, Udp, Esp, and uncompressed.

[5] 3Gpp Ts 36.331 V8.1.0, Radio reserved supply operate (Rrc) Protocol Specification.

[6] 3Gpp Tr 23.882 V1.15.1, 3Gpp theory Architecture Evolution (Sae): description on Technical Options and Conclusions.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

KT Tape: Ball of Foot

Recovery Resources - KT Tape: Ball of Foot.
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How is KT Tape: Ball of Foot

KT Tape: Ball of Foot Tube. Duration : 4.27 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Recovery Resources . Ball of Foot The ball of the foot is where the toes join the rest of the foot. The area is very muscular and is the site where many athletes put the majority of the pressure during performance. Impact can be intense, twisting on the area is common, and without sufficient rest the area can become very worn and painful. Many smaller muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons, and nerves all converge here as well. These very sensitive and flexible parts at the ball of the foot are highly responsible for balance and acceleration. Pain at the ball of the foot is most often caused by inflammation due to overuse in active people. Other common causes include poorly fit or worn out shoes, weight gain, contusions or bruising, plantar fasciitis, or nerve issues related to diabetes. The pain can be felt while weight bearing, or to the touch. The pain can range from dull and achy to very sharp and a burning sensation. In short, the pain at the ball of foot varies significantly and often needs special diagnosis to identify the specific problem. Typical treatment of these conditions includes critical rest, ice, inserts or orthotics, and light massage or stretching. KT Tape can greatly speed the pace of recovery and significantly relieve the pain through the process. It's very hard for anyone to stay off their feet, so often times foot problems take a very long time to heal. Those who have used KT Tape to alleviate the strain they put on their feet and promote healing have seen great results ...
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Red Conquest for iPhone & iPod Touch: Level Walkthrough

Recovery Resources - Red Conquest for iPhone & iPod Touch: Level Walkthrough.
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How is Red Conquest for iPhone & iPod Touch: Level Walkthrough

Red Conquest for iPhone & iPod Touch: Level Walkthrough Video Clips. Duration : 4.72 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Recovery Resources . Red Conquest is a real time strategy game for the iPhone and iPod Touch. This video is a walkthrough of one of the campaign levels, which is actually quite difficult to beat, especially if you don't recover quickly from the first onslaught! Fortunately for me, as the developer, I know exactly where to place my units in the first couple of minutes to give myself an advantage in this level. :) With the video annotations, I'll guide you through some of the UI in the game as well as medium level strategies that can be employed in the level.
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Drug Abuse Solutions

Drug Treatment Centers - Drug Abuse Solutions
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Drug Treatment Centers! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Drug abuse today is a major cause for concern and has a negative corollary on community at large. Though students constitute a large segment of drug abusers, adults also succumb to drug abuse. There is a tendency amongst middle-aged habitancy to abuse prescribe drugs.

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How is Drug Abuse Solutions

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Drug Treatment Centers.

The first step towards combating drug addiction is to make the abuser aware of the damage it causes the body. Most addicts lack confidence and must be taught to come to be a master of the situation and not a slave to addiction.

There are many institutions and organizations that help drug abusers kick the habit. The maintain of friends and family is of prime importance. First and foremost, an abuser must be committed to giving up drugs. Doctors and counselors are a drug abusers many ally in the battle against addiction.

People who realize they have to quit this hazardous habit may be too embarrassed or afraid to confide in anyone. They might even be worried that they will land into problem if they admit to having this problem. Abusers must talk to whatever they trust.

Drug abuse solutions can be viewed from many perspectives. On a national level, solutions are based and discussed in terms of the reduction in contribute of drugs. From a public perspective, solutions are usually discussed in terms of prevention, early intervention and treatment.

Prevention is better than cure. This adage holds good in fighting drug abuse too. public education campaigns and stricter laws regarding purchase and use of legal substances are measures that have been adopted by states in the Usa.

Many States have created coalitions of community and company leaders to address the problem of substance abuse. These groups run community-based programs that contribute mentoring, tutoring, alternative activities, and life skills improvement for youth in drug-impacted neighborhoods.

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Addiction and recovery - The chronic recovery Lifestyle Worksheet

Recovery Resources - Addiction and recovery - The chronic recovery Lifestyle Worksheet
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Recovery Resources! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

A patient recently pointed out to me that most of the workbooks and worksheets that they find for addiction saving is geared toward the very starting of recovery. This patient was seeing for an practice that could help him enlarge further in his ongoing recovery. This is what I came up with and am happy to share with you.

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How is Addiction and recovery - The chronic recovery Lifestyle Worksheet

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Continuing saving Lifestyle Worksheet

You have been working on the first steps and have looked at the damage in all major areas of your life. You have been clean and sober for awhile now. You feel great physically and emotionally. Your life is changing for the better. Use this worksheet to compare where your enlarge and areas needing work. This self-assessment will help you to identify your strengths and areas needing work for your chronic growth in recovery. Apply the following questions to each of the major life areas below. Use isolate paper to compare yourself and write about how you are doing on each item.


1. How is your saving and abstinence from alcohol and other drugs affecting these areas in your life currently?

2. What changes have you noticed in these areas?

3. What changes have others noticed?

4. Which areas need focus and more work?

5. What kinds of changes do you want to make?

1. Partner/spouse relationship

a. The level of emotionality you perceive with your spouse/partner.

b. How you deal with emotions and conflicts with your spouse/partner.

c. The level of contribution that you make to the relationship or the family.

l. Chores

2. Finances

3. Fun/entertainment/joy

d. Your ability to be supportive of your spouse/partner

e. Your ability to sometimes put others' needs ahead of yours

f. Your patience and tolerance over annoyances

g. Romantic gestures/activities, dates, and showing of affection

2. Money and finances

a. The level of responsibility or follow-through in financial goals

b. Being proactive in manufacture decisions about how money is spent and planning ahead c. Consulting with spouse/partner and working as a team financially d. manufacture financial amends

3. Balancing recovery, home, work, and other priorities

a. Maintaining buildings or a agenda that assists with prioritizing, stress management, and goals

b. Practicing assertiveness and being able to say "no" to requests that would lead to imbalance or more unmanaged stress.

c. Consulting with spouse/partner about conflicting demands and problem solving priorities together

d. Communicating your needs and being responsible for your recovery. Work responsibilities a. Maintaining positive, salutary attitude about work b. Managing stress as it occurs and replacing worry with pro-active problem solving

4. Job doing

a. determined relationships with co-workers and boss.

b. Willingness to hear and consider feedback.

c. Dependability, punctuality, and focus

5. Friendships and other relationships

a. Willingness to spend time with in-laws and other relatives

b. manufacture amends to family members

c. Dealing with conflicts as they occur in a salutary manner

d. Communicating your needs. E. Taking others' feelings into account.

f. Practicing patience and tolerance of others.

6. Spirituality

a. Maintaining a helpful relationship to spiritual advisors

b. Maintaining helpful routines

c. Applying an attitude of gratitude to your life

d. Being of assistance to others.

I hope you receive new knowledge about Recovery Resources. Where you can put to use within your day-to-day life. And just remember, your reaction is Recovery Resources.Read more.. Addiction and recovery - The chronic recovery Lifestyle Worksheet. View Related articles associated with Recovery Resources. I Roll below. I actually have suggested my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Addiction and recovery - The chronic recovery Lifestyle Worksheet.

Mussel Power Helps Restore Virginia Waters

Recovery Resources - Mussel Power Helps Restore Virginia Waters.
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How is Mussel Power Helps Restore Virginia Waters

Mussel Power Helps Restore Virginia Waters Video Clips. Duration : 5.83 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Recovery Resources . Freshwater mussels are amazing bi-valve animals that that help keep our rivers and creeks clean by filtering out pollutants, sediments and algae. Good mussel population usually indicates a healthy aquatic system. And that's important for people who also need clean waterways for drinking water, agriculture and recreation. Recently, Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, The Nature Conservancy, and the US Fish and Wildlife Service hosted the largest reintroduction of cultured mussels (approximately two years old) into the beautiful waters of the Clinch River in southwest Virginia. Approximately 6500 mussels, including the highly endangered oyster mussel and the Cumberlandian combshell were released into the river. A number of other partners assisted in the effort, including some enthusiastic 4th graders. For more information about the Clinch-Powell Initiative and the many businesses and other organizations and partners helping restore Virginia's southwest waters, visit:
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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Strength Beyond Stroke: Spaulding Rehabilitation Network

Recovery Resources - Strength Beyond Stroke: Spaulding Rehabilitation Network.
The content is good quality and helpful content, That is new is that you never knew before that I know is that I have discovered. Before the unique. It's now near to enter destination Strength Beyond Stroke: Spaulding Rehabilitation Network.

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Recovery Resources ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the real about Recovery Resources . You check out this article for facts about anyone want to know is Recovery Resources .

How is Strength Beyond Stroke: Spaulding Rehabilitation Network

Strength Beyond Stroke: Spaulding Rehabilitation Network Video Clips. Duration : 10.12 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Recovery Resources . For the 600000 Americans who suffer a stroke each year, life isn't over. With the proper therapy, and the proper support, almost everyone who has a stroke has a chance to improve. At 4 am on February 15, 2005, just days after another Super Bowl win and his first trip to the Pro Bowl, Tedy Bruschi faced his toughest opponent yet, a stroke. Working with his caregivers from Spaulding, such as Anne McCarthy Jacobson DPT, and the support of his wife Heidi and his family, he made a stunning recovery and made it back to the field just 8 months later. Now as advocates for stroke awareness and an author of the best seller "Never Give Up", Tedy and Heidi have become champions both on and off the field as an inspiration to millions. The Spaulding Stroke Program and its unique Young Stroke service is one of the largest in the New England. Stroke Program Director, Dr. Randie Black Schaffer, discusses this renowned program and its innovative clinical approach. Spaulding is a center of excellence and US News Ranked Best Hospital as well as a teaching Hospital of Harvard Medical School and official rehab hospital of the New England Patriots. Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and Tedy Bruschi have teamed up to create a new online resource to help people and families affected by stroke find the strength they need to improve. Visit www. to discover resources, share stories, and hear from the experts at Spaulding If you're affected by stroke, find the strength ...
I hope you have new knowledge about Recovery Resources . Where you can offer use in your life. And most significantly, your reaction is Recovery Resources . View Related articles associated with Recovery Resources . I Roll below. I have suggested my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Strength Beyond Stroke: Spaulding Rehabilitation Network.

Innovation in Desalination: Panel 2

Recovery Resources - Innovation in Desalination: Panel 2.
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Recovery Resources ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the real about Recovery Resources . You check this out article for information about an individual need to know is Recovery Resources .

How is Innovation in Desalination: Panel 2

Innovation in Desalination: Panel 2 Tube. Duration : 76.60 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Recovery Resources . "Transforming water through technology: innovation, tradeoffs, and the future" GG Pique, CEO, Energy Recovery Inc Prof. Slav Hermanowicz, Civil & Environmental Engineering, UC Berkeley Andy Shea, US Development Director, Acciona Agua Dr. Jason Holt, CTO, NanOasis Amol Desphpande, Partner, Kleiner Perkins This panel will focus on specific desalination technologies such as reverse osmosis (RO) and multi-stage flash distillation (MSF); recent advancements and innovations in these technologies; and desalination sector investment potentials. Panelists will discuss how different desalination technologies work and compare to one another; challenges faced by current desalination plants; key technological advancements from the past decade; potential spheres for further innovation; water investment potentials; and water utility adoption of desalination technologies in the US.
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Alcoholism Stages - 3 Stages of Alcoholism You Should Know

Addiction Recovery Resources - Alcoholism Stages - 3 Stages of Alcoholism You Should Know
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Addiction Recovery Resources! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Alcoholism stages can be categorized into three stages of alcoholism -- early stage, middle stage and end stage alcoholism or late stage alcoholism. Alcoholism stages ordinarily take years to develop. Alcoholism is a disease where alcoholic beverage consumption is at a level that interferes with corporal or thinking health, and negatively impacts social, family or occupational responsibilities.

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How is Alcoholism Stages - 3 Stages of Alcoholism You Should Know

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Consuming no more than one or two drinks per day for healthy men and a drink a day for healthy non-pregnant women are ordinarily thought about thorough alcohol consumption without condition risks. However, as the number or frequency of drinking increases, the earliest of the alcoholism stages can manufacture as a result.

Early Stages of Alcoholism

In the early alcoholism stages, a person begins to depend on alcohol to work on their mood. They drink for relief from problems, and they begin thinking more and more about alcohol. The person and others around them may not identify that they are in the earliest of the stages of alcoholism. A gradual increase in tolerance happens, meaning, it takes addition amounts of alcohol to perform the desired mood-altering effects. Often, the person can consume large amounts of alcohol without appearing impaired.

In the early alcoholism stages, the body has adapted to addition amounts of alcohol. In fact, how a person functions will likely be improved with drinking as blood alcohol levels rise. For example, they can think and talk regularly or walk a level line with no problem. However, with prolonged alcohol consumption over time, the body begins to lose its ability to deal with high alcohol levels. As this occurs, when the alcoholic stops drinking and their blood alcohol level decreases, their thinking, talking or walking functions deteriorate, and they are absorbing into the next of the stages of alcoholism.

Middle Alcoholism Stages

The need and desire to drink slowly becomes more intense. Drinking larger amounts and more often happens as well as drinking earlier in the day. The alcoholic is losing operate over drinking, and the body is losing its ability to process alcohol like it did in the early stages of alcoholism. Their tolerance decreases as they come to be intoxicated more easily. seclusion symptoms begin to come to be more severe if alcohol is reduced.

The person may now secretly identify there is a drinking problem, and others may begin to observation as well. Unfortunately, the alcoholic no longer can judge how much alcohol their body can handle. Typically, the drinker denies to themselves and others that alcohol is a problem so they won't have to deal with their inner turmoil. Hangovers, blackouts and stomach problems can now be corporal symptoms that occur on a regular basis.

End Stage Alcoholism

As alcoholism progresses, the alcoholic has come to be obsessed with drinking to the exclusion of nearly all else. every person can tell there's a major problem. during the late alcoholism stages, the thinking and corporal condition of the alcoholic are seriously deteriorating. Many of the body's organs have been damaged which lowers resistance to disease. Relationships at home or socially may have been severely damaged, and there can be mounting financial and legal problems due to the alcoholic's powerlessness over alcohol.

Every alcoholic will suffer from malnutrition. Alcohol in large amounts interferes with the digestion process and the passage of nutrients from the intestines into the bloodstream. Liver function has been damaged, added limiting the conversion of nutrients into a usable form that the body can assimilate. The damaged cells are not receiving the needed nutrients, they cannot repair themselves and the damage continues. Nutritional deficiencies cause a host of related problems to come to be worse. For example, vitamin B-1 deficiency coarse in alcoholics can corollary in loss of thinking alertness and appetite, fatigue, obscuring and emotional instability.

And if the alcoholic continues drinking, alcohol will cause the death of the alcoholic in one way or another. From suicide, accidents and related injuries to direct damage to the body's organs and systems, death will likely be the final outcome of end stage alcoholism.

Are there warning signs of alcoholism? Yes! Understand the signs and symptoms that indicate that alcohol consumption is becoming or is already a problem. There are resources available in a variety of ways to help deal with alcoholism stages and the serious consequences of this disease.

Copyright 2006 InfoSearch Publishing

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Alaska Placer Mine 2010.mpg, Alaska Gold Mining, Large Gold nugget, 6 foot trommel, D9 dozer Tube. Duration : 5.00 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Recovery Resources . John howe narrates the basic operation of a medium size placer mine in interior Alaska. He also sends out an invitation to the 22nd biennial Fairbanks Alaska Mining Conference. Their web site is The plant that is operating in the video was built by Howee's Machine Shop. John Howe the owner of Howee's will be one of the instructors of a placer mining course at the 2010 conference. Alaska Gold Mining is real mining. (more)
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The system Behind The 12 Steps Of Addiction salvage

Recovery Resources - The system Behind The 12 Steps Of Addiction salvage
The content is nice quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I have discovered. Prior to the unique. It is now near to enter destination The system Behind The 12 Steps Of Addiction salvage. And the content related to Recovery Resources.

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Recovery Resources! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The law of the 12 steps can be very difficult or very uncomplicated to understand. This is an endeavor to simplify the meaning of the law of the 12 steps for those who may be having difficulty. These are the law that are incorporated into our daily lives as 'we walk the walk'. Employing each of these behaviors will help to rebuild a life of increased self esteem and self confidence. So, in my never ending quest to keep it simple, here are the activity law behind the twelve steps:

What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about Recovery Resources. You check out this article for information on that want to know is Recovery Resources.

How is The system Behind The 12 Steps Of Addiction salvage

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Recovery Resources.

1. Honesty - The operative principle behind step 1 is honesty. If you cannot get honest about the scope of your problem, and honest about a sincere endeavor to settle it you will not succeed. How about a definition of honesty as the absence of the intention to deceive? Who do we try to fool? Ourselves

2. Hope - In order to engage in a procedure of addiction recovery, we must have hope of success. If there is no hope, why try? maybe we have failed on our own, how about enlisting some help? A way to instill hope is to perceive rescue is not a examine of ability; after all there are millions in recovery, but rather persistence and application.

3. Faith - This stage of activity is to begin to employ the rescue skills being learned. You can seek out help, but it is also principal to use it. Our job is to become willing to do the right thing. A uncomplicated way to view the 'next right thing' is don't engage in your behavior. Have faith it will work.

4. Courage - This step is beyond doubt about courage to beyond doubt (see step 1) look at ourselves. Take a look at how our behavior has become warped to justify our continued behavior. We are here to take an honest evaluation of ourselves.

5. Integrity - If we have truly done a appropriate job of introspection and evaluation of our assets and shortcomings do we have the integrity to own up to it? It can be very difficult to be open and honest about our past behaviors. We accept the need for a dose of humility.

6. Willingness - Now that we have ended an account of the good and no so good aspects of our character and behavior, are we willing to change them? All of them? The prominent part in this 12 step principle is the willingness to let go of old behaviors.

7. Humility - Here we move additional into action, in step 6 we became willing to as let go of our old behaviors, now we ask for help in beyond doubt letting go. Can we learn to forgive ourselves?

8. Discipline and activity - We are lasting to remove the barriers that can block send sober growth. We are getting ready to sweep our side of the road clean. Make a list of all those habitancy we have harmed both through actions and not being gift to live up to obligations.

9. Forgiveness - request for the forgiveness of those we have intentionally or unintentionally injured is the order of the day. A key point here is to try to correct those injuries through action, not just words. It is highly recommended that advice and help is utilized here. request forgiveness is not a gift to the other person, but rather an act of kindness to you.

10. Acceptance - To be human is to make mistakes. Hopefully our journey has led us to the point where we can easily admit mistakes and accept ourselves for being imperfect. We must also learn not to judge others but accept them for who they are, not our vision of who they should be.

11. Knowledge and Awareness - Here we search and become aware of following our path being aware of our purpose in life and actively pursuing it. I view this principle as just being aware, not being got up in the rush of life, manufacture conscious endeavor to do the right thing and to be at peace.

12. Service and Gratitude - Having brought about a personality change enough to remain in recovery; we are empowered to demonstrate the new law by which we live, in our daily life through example. We seek out and are ready to help others in need.

There you have it. uncomplicated actions you can custom each and every day to heighten the potential of your life in addiction rescue and those habitancy you come in caress with. These are the uncomplicated one word activity law of the 12 steps.

I hope you receive new knowledge about Recovery Resources. Where you possibly can put to easy use in your life. And most significantly, your reaction is Recovery Resources.Read more.. The system Behind The 12 Steps Of Addiction salvage. View Related articles related to Recovery Resources. I Roll below. I have suggested my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share The system Behind The 12 Steps Of Addiction salvage.

Monday, May 28, 2012

How to Cope with Sudden Death

Recovery Resources Inc - How to Cope with Sudden Death
The content is good quality and helpful content, Which is new is that you never knew before that I do know is that I actually have discovered. Before the unique. It is now near to enter destination How to Cope with Sudden Death. And the content related to Recovery Resources Inc.

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Recovery Resources Inc! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Are you thoroughly overwhelmed with the unexpected death of a loved one? freezing in time? Numb? Not knowing where to turn? All of this and more occurs every day and it can only be described with one word: Normal. But whether normal or not, its corollary is chilling, something that no one who has never had the experience, can fathom.

What I said. It is not outcome that the actual about Recovery Resources Inc. You read this article for info on an individual wish to know is Recovery Resources Inc.

How is How to Cope with Sudden Death

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Recovery Resources Inc.

I've made that trip with my wife, so I speak from having a modicum of contact with it. However, I don't pretend to know what whatever else might feel. Every grief is dissimilar because every relationship is one of a kind.

In my case, my wife and I found our four-month old daughter dead in her crib. I gave her mouth to mouth, and my wife called the paramedics who rushed her to the hospital. All to no avail.

So what can you do? Or what might you do to help someone else who is reeling from the sudden death of a loved one?

1. Do what comes naturally. For us it was to cry, as we walked home, which was a long way from the hospital urgency room. We declined a ride because we needed to be by ourselves. Expression of whatever you have inside is critical. In this instance, we were fortunate to have each other to cry with.

2. Search for the privacy you need. We were in an unfamiliar city having made a temporary move earlier in the summer. In some strange way, our privacy was to be on the sidewalk, the two of us, with all the buzzing traffic and hurrying citizen going by. They had no idea what was going on in our hearts and minds. You may have to be away from every person or only with one extra person.

3. Be with those you trust most, who will allow you to be who you are at that time, without directions. In will help you immensely if you can have at least one someone to direct all that you are feelings toward. Be sure to talk about your anger, which is not uncommon. You may have to hug or hold on to someone as though it is your only hope.

4. If the original mourner is alone when he/she receives the news, and you know what has happened as well, go to that someone immediately. If he/she wants to be alone, you will be told so. More likely, your proximity by itself will be a thread of safety for the person.

5. Find out all you can about how the death occurred. It will help you understand and process the events important up to the death. It may mean you or someone close to you will have to contact the doctor or nurse or whoever else was on the scene.

6. If possible, view the body. If there was facial disfigurement, have the loved one's face covered and at least look at the hands or arms. You may need to be alone with the body. Ask for that time, and tell others to let you do and say what you are feeling. If you are providing preserve for someone, you may want to ask the someone if they would like to be with the loved one in this way, especially if there is to be a terminated casket.

7. You may have to put your grief on hold if you are the only someone who is unbelievable to make all of the arrangements for services and burial. The same may be true if you are responsible for children who were very close to the deceased. And it is okay to do so.

8. On the other hand, your shock and disbelief at this tragic event may last longer than is usually expected. Again, stay around those you trust. You may then have to ask others to help with arrangements and legal matters, if you do not feel distinct in handling them at this time. This is coarse and fully acceptable.

9. Because it was a sudden death, there was no time to say goodbye. However, you can still do so when you are ready. Find a quiet place in your home or other extra place that is private. Place a photo of your loved one in a chair opposite you and say whatever is in your heart. Many citizen have found solace and ease in this goodbye.

To summarize, because each grief is one of a kind, the response to sudden death is unpredictable. Be especially willing to lean on others for help and expect the usual reactions to the death of a loved one to lengthen and persist for a longer period of time.

Throughout the process do not keep your pain and sorrow within. Keep releasing those feelings and talking to those who realize your long-term need for good listeners. And I emphasize long-term. Be sure to deal with guilt and anger and not let it build and cause you to become stuck in your grief.

When your grief seems to persist and you feel you are not manufacture any headway, look to join a preserve group. There are also many grief therapists who deal with sudden deaths in their practices that can help you collect your balance. Both of these resources are proven aids to those dealing with sudden deaths. Most important, be open to the Search for new ways to see the world, the terrible death of your loved one, and to find what others have done to assuage the pain.

I hope you obtain new knowledge about Recovery Resources Inc. Where you'll be able to offer easy use in your everyday life. And just remember, your reaction is Recovery Resources Inc.Read more.. How to Cope with Sudden Death. View Related articles related to Recovery Resources Inc. I Roll below. I actually have counseled my friends to help share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share How to Cope with Sudden Death.