Friday, May 18, 2012

Alcohol Consumption Often Times Begins during the Teen Years

Addiction Recovery Resources - Alcohol Consumption Often Times Begins during the Teen Years
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Do you know about - Alcohol Consumption Often Times Begins during the Teen Years

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Alarmingly, alcohol is the drug most often used by American teenagers. Statistically, about half of all middle school and high school students claim to consume alcohol on a monthly basis. According to modern reports, almost 14% of teenagers have been intoxicated at least once in the past year. Sadly, nearly 8% of American teens who drink, state they drink at least five or more alcoholic beverages in a row, known as binge drinking.

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How is Alcohol Consumption Often Times Begins during the Teen Years

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All things considered, not all teenagers are going to experiment with alcohol by the 7th and 8th grade. While the statistics may appear to be bleak, there are still some teens who wait until they are of legal age to begin drinking. Others may pick to never drink at all. It's prominent to recognize that the younger a teen begins absorbing alcohol, the more likely they are to find themselves in a cycle of misuse and addiction. Once this cycle begins, they may find themselves experiencing long term physical and group effects. A few of the dangerous effects of alcohol consumption include but are not small to the following:

Often times, teens will use alcohol in excess to mask other emotional problems such as depression and/or anxiety. This is known as 'self medicating'. Drinking alcohol is often a stepping stone for using other drugs, like marijuana, cocaine and even heroin. Using complicated substances is common among teens. Males tend to drop out of school at an earlier age when they are heavy drinkers. Approximately 2,000 deaths connected to car crashes occur each year due to underage drinking. Nearly half of all violent deaths absorbing teens, are directly connected to alcohol consumption and abuse. Heavy drinking directly affects the reasoning and emotional well being of those who consume. The rate of suicide attempts increases by three times for teenage girls who drink heavily in the 8th grade. Victims of suicide often have sure blood alcohol levels. Furthermore, teens who drink are more likely to engage in sexual operation at an earlier age. Often times, they have sex with someone they would not regularly be with had their judgment not be clouded. It is fairly common for a teenager to be the victim of a sex crime or on the flip side, to be the perpetrator of a sexual assault.

All this being said, it can be frightening for parents to know what they can do to help prevent their teenager from experimenting with alcohol. Studies show clear communication by parents concerning the negative impacts of alcohol consumption, in addition to their expectations concerning the use of substances, have been shown to significantly sell out alcohol use in teens. Parents are the singular most prominent affect in a child's life. If you as a parent are not willing to talk with your child about alcohol, who is?

With so many parents having to work full-time to reserve their family, children often come home to an empty household. For this reason, alcohol consumption is at his top between the hours of 3:00pm - 6:00pm. A parent can not maybe supervise their child's behavior while away at the workplace and it has become increasingly difficult to supervise our children adequately when we are away for so many hours while the day. Parents who are able to enroll their children in extracurricular activities after school have found this to be a great inhibitive to alcohol use while their teen years.

Parents can also help their teen by providing them with stress supervision strategies and coping mechanisms. Stress supervision techniques include yoga, relaxation therapy, personel or group therapy, rehearsal or simply learning how to avow an wide wholesome lifestyle. Proper cusine is also an significant piece and often overlooked.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, it is prominent to touch a fine expert who can provide the resources significant to begin the healing journey to recovery. Don't put rehabilitation off an additional one day.

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