Friday, May 18, 2012

Emotional leisure Techniques For Benzodiazepine relinquishment - The Ideal Self administration Tool

Addiction Recovery Resources - Emotional leisure Techniques For Benzodiazepine relinquishment - The Ideal Self administration Tool
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Benzodiazepine relinquishment and Eft- the Ideal Self-Management Tool

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How is Emotional leisure Techniques For Benzodiazepine relinquishment - The Ideal Self administration Tool

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Addiction Recovery Resources.

I'm an industrialized Emotional freedom Techniques (Eft) Practitioner as well as being a recovered involuntary benzodiazepine (benzo) addict. I came off benzos in 1988 and fine in Eft in 2006. That's quite an unusual combination. I wish Eft had been nearby when I was advent off. But now I'm qualified, it puts me in the unique position of being able to offer Eft tapping routines to habitancy who are withdrawing from a place of personal experience. And that's authentically good news because if there's one thing you need when advent off benzos - it's the advice and preserve of others who've been through it - 'survivors'.

My own relinquishment in 1988

There wasn't much facts ready when I came off, authentically nothing like there is now - internet sites, books and organisations. Professor Heather Ashton, world authority on benzo addiction and withdrawal, hadn't set up her relinquishment clinic in Newcastle or written her hand-operated (see below). I devised my own relinquishment programme, putting together a range of complementary therapies and emotional /psychological preserve techniques. The follow is 'Safe Benzo Withdrawal', my duplicate Cd set (see below) which contains advice and facts based on my own experience. There is also a guided freedom which I wrote specifically for benzo withdrawal. The data Cd contains equivalence tables for switching to Diazepam (valium), a slower acting benzo.

Withdrawal Symptoms vary

Not everybody has a tough time advent off. We're all separate and there are many factors affecting the type of relinquishment i.e. Dosage, type of medication, time you've been taking it etc. Rest assured. Many thousands of have now successfully come off and are living proof that it can be done. And now there's a whole range of relinquishment preserve resources available. (see below)

What is Eft?

Eft is a medical tool industrialized by an American, Gary Craig. It's a kind of emotional acupuncture based on antique Chinese healing. About five thousand years ago the Chinese discovered the human body had vigor channels, called meridians, through which the body's important vigor or chi flows. Managing the flow of chi forms the basis of the Eastern medical practices, such as acupressure and acupuncture, which are now widely used in the West.

How does it work?

When we perceive whatever which distresses us, be it bodily pain, emotional distress, anxiety, anger, fear etc, there is a disruption in the body's vigor field and the Eft tapping is designed to take off this disruption and restore a sense of calmness and equilibrium. These vigor disruptions can be held unresolved in the body, for many years, and often tapping is addressing an event from childhood that continues to work on one's present life.

How do you do it?

You tap with your fingertips on various points on the vigor meridians nearby the face and body whilst focusing your thoughts on a distressing symptom or feeling you're having and repeating an affirmation or inescapable self-healing phrase. (full instructions, see link below)

Why is Eft exquisite for benzo withdrawal?

It's easy to learn and very uncomplicated to use. Attentiveness span can be very limited when you're withdrawing, so a technique that's quick and easy is important Use it anywhere, anytime. Benzo relinquishment symptoms, especially panic attacks, can be unpredictable. They might wake you at night, or come when you're out somewhere. With Eft you don't need another person, or any equipment - just your own fingertips and a limited or two of your own time. It's a tailor made self-healing tool. You can make your own tapping routines to address whatever symptoms you're experiencing. Eft is a self-management tool. This is about taking back power and accountability for your own healing. Addiction, whether voluntary or involuntary (iatrogenic*), drains your self-empowerment. Using Eft can restore a sense of operate over your life. It's free. Just download the hand-operated (see below). There's no financial outlay. Of course, you have the selection of consulting a fine Eft practitioner from time to time, to keep you on track and to gain some objectivity, and maybe learn some more industrialized techniques - see my perceive details below. But the basic habit taught in the hand-operated consistently produces good results.

So there's five exquisite reasons to use Eft in your relinquishment and help you on your journey to recovery. Top three relinquishment tips are; Be safe - talk your Gp. Be sensible - taper off very moderately at your own pace. Be supported - find or start a preserve group, whether face to face or on the internet. I wish you all power on your journey to recovery.
*iatrogenic = caused by the medical profession

Remember: never stop taking your medication suddenly. This can be dangerous. Consult your Gp. The facts in this article is not intended as a substitute for medical counselling.

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