Thursday, May 31, 2012

Secrets to efficient Staff Meetings

Recovery Resources Inc - Secrets to efficient Staff Meetings
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Do you know about - Secrets to efficient Staff Meetings

Recovery Resources Inc! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

The following typical staff meeting statistics were compiled from a contemplate conducted by GroupSystems :

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How is Secrets to efficient Staff Meetings

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Recovery Resources Inc.

The typical staff meeting is 50 minutes

- 16 minutes wasted on inefficiencies

- 59% do not take meeting minutes

-68% said input from meeting is used rarely or not at all
What can you do about it?

Schedule in advance. If it is not an emergency, program one to two weeks in advance. Comprise start time, stop time and Topics.
Prepare an Agenda, and stick to it.

Have a Theme . Focus on One to Three Topics, no more than that.
On the Agenda, Comprise ten minutes for Open consulation and feedback at the end of the meeting.

Start on Time, even if every person is not present. Demonstrate respect for the people who show up on time and begin promptly. Individuals that come late can 'catch-up' when the meeting is concluded. Do not inconvenience the conscientious individuals who show up on time.

Establish the meeting moderator. One someone is assigned to keep the meeting on track and on time.

If possible, program the staff meeting for a total of twenty minutes or less. This is based on ten minutes of program consulation and ten minutes of staff feedback. Think it a success if you quit in less than 20 minutes, but allow flex time for meaningful conversation and feedback at the end of the meeting.

Take Meeting Notes, Comprise action Items and the Owners / Responsible someone for each action Item with a Due Date. Follow-up on action Items and send out an modernize before the next staff meeting.

Is it working?

Staff Meetings should not be a burden to the moderator or the participants. It is intended to be an opportunity for leading communication. The following are three creative exercises for measuring the effectiveness of your staff meetings.

Have a Standing Staff Meeting: Nobody is allowed to sit down until it is over. Can you do it? Does the meeting move along faster than normal or at the same speed?

Everyone is a Scribe: At the starting of the meeting, furnish instructions that each someone will be responsible for documenting every comment, word for word, and distribute to the other participants. How does this impact the comments? Is all shared verbally worth the time to type it? Are the comments worth sharing in documented form? Are there any comments shared in a staff meeting that would be embarrassing or inappropriate in print?

The One Week Survey: Send a quick contemplate one week after the staff meeting with three questions.

Q1) What was the main topic of the Staff meeting?

Q2) How does this recapitulate to your responsibilities?

Q3) What is the most leading topic that we did not discuss?


Words of Wisdom

"You want to build a strong culture? Hold every boss accountable for the culture that he or she builds."

- Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman, First Break All the Rules

"The real question is that people do what they are told."

- David Maister, First Among Equals

"Being highly efficient as individuals and organizations is no longer optional . . . It is the price of entry."

- Stephen R. Covey, The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness

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