Tuesday, June 12, 2012

What is a High Colonic Enema?

Addiction Recovery Resources - What is a High Colonic Enema?
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Do you know about - What is a High Colonic Enema?

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There is more and more evidence every year that taking steps to improve or utter the health of your colon can cure or eliminate many curative conditions, and may even help to extend your life by warding off major diseases. The best way to improve the health of your colon is to cleanse it consistently. However, choosing the best formula for cleansing can be tough. This article discusses a formula that is being talked about a lot lately, the high colonic enema.

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How is What is a High Colonic Enema?

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The high colonic enema is of course two distinct things. A high colonic or colonic irrigation is one type of procedure and an enema is another. Blurring most likely exists because the two procedures are so similar.

Water is introduced into the colon through the rectum. This causes the colon to "cleanse" itself by flushing out the water, taking with it all of the stuff that causes the colon to be unhealthy. (Toxins, bad bacteria and parasitical agents.)

The differences:

1) An enema involves just one infusion of water while high colonics involves several.

2) The stools and water that gets expelled from the colon goes back out through the same tube that infused the water in colonic irrigation. With an enema, it comes out the normal, natural way.

3) Enemas can be performed at home, by yourself while colonic irrigation requires the aid of a therapist.

4) The time it takes to accomplish an enema is significantly less than the time it takes to accomplish one high colonic procedure.

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