Saturday, June 30, 2012

Addiction and saving - social and Environmental Triggers For Cravings Worksheet

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Associations between singular feelings, people, places, and events becomes intertwined with the alcoholic or addicts drinking and drugging behavior. When alcoholics and addicts find their way to recovery, the old associations between the drinking and drugging and the old feeling, people, places, and events persist, often triggering cravings to drink or use. When these cues trigger drinking or using memories and perhaps euphoric recall, unless you take operation to prevent cravings and inherent relapse, you remain highly vulnerable to losing your recovery. These cues are ever present, but relapse can be averted.   

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How is Addiction and saving - social and Environmental Triggers For Cravings Worksheet

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It is prominent to avoid the external triggers that are your most hazardous and that are within your power to avoid. Many of these would be the determined ones such as hanging out with old drinking/using friends, or going to bars or liquor stores. Triggers that can't be avoided can be neutralized. To be ready and able to neutralize triggers that arise, you need to be able to anticipate and identify them, then have a plan of operation on how you will deal with them without drinking/using.   

Below are areas that serve as triggers, that can set up cravings to return to drinking or using. Use this work sheet to help identify your probable risks.  

Social and Environmental Triggers for Cravings Worksheet 


Who are the habitancy you used to drink or use drugs with? Make a list.    

Make a list of other habitancy that could serve as a trigger for relapse. It could be extended house members, spouse, girlfriend, your children, boss, coworkers, neighbors and any others.     


Where did you used to drink or use drugs?     

What are the places that could trigger cravings or euphoric recall? Make a list of the places that might remind you of drinking/using or serve as trigger. Examples might include: bars, clubs, golf courses, football games and tailgating, school, work, determined streets, determined parts of town, concerts, pool halls, determined country roads, lakes, backyards.    


What kinds of events did you routinely share in while drinking or using drugs?    

What are some of the disposition events that you might share in now that could trigger cravings? Make a list of inherent trigger-provoking events. Examples might contain going to the lake and fishing, mowing the lawn, fund raising events, going gambling, attending music festivals, and others.  


What are some of the celebrations or extra events that you might share in that could serve as a trigger for relapse? Make a list. Examples might include: weddings, graduation, birthdays, vacation, holidays (with or without extended house members).  

Other stressful events or activities  

 Identify other stressful events or activities that could serve as a trigger. Examples might contain such things as deaths of house members, divorce, separation, money problems, getting paid, getting a raise, calls from creditors, paying bills, group meetings, long work hours, unemployment, having a baby, retiring, home alone, vacation, going by an Atm machine, home alone, finding paraphernalia, a long "to do" list.    

Relationship events  

What kinds of association events were linked with your drinking or drug use?  

Identify association events that could serve as a trigger. Examples might contain meeting new people, going out on a date, hanging out with friends, after an argument, before sex, after sex, viewing pornography, house visits, having a baby, separation, divorce, marriage.   


When did you normally drink or use?  

Identify specific times of day, week, month or year that may serve as a trigger for relapse. Examples might be Monday (Monday night football), Sunday (gearing up to go back to work), anniversary date or month of traumatic events, after work, before work, trying to get to sleep, waking in the night, and any other times that are significant.  

Making a plan.  

Looking back over your lists above, identify actions that you can take to cut the threat to your recovery.  Which events can you avoid?  

Which events or situations can you flee from if you feel vulnerable?    How can you empower yourself to escape?

Ex:  practice being assertive with leaving a risky situation.   Use cognitive therapy to challenge unrealistic thinking that might keep you from leaving when you need to.   Make a plan on how you could escape. Example: Drive yourself, walk out, call a cab, have an Aa call list and have person come get you.    

What can you do to convert how you think or feel when you find yourself in an determined position that is triggering a desire to use?  

Ex: Use concept stopping techniques to conduct cravings when they occur. Use the phone. Call your sponsor. Call your consultant or person in Aa/Na. Engage person who is supportive of your rescue in a conversation. Remind yourself that cravings are temporary and that they will go away if you do not use. Remember that cravings are a normal part of rescue and that they do not doom you to failure. Remind yourself that you have the option either you act on your cravings. Think of a craving as a contest between you and your disease. Who will win?    

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